At DMTL Management we believe strongly in pursuing environmentally sustainable goals across our venues.

In one of our venues alone, we have saved 34,050 tones of C02 emissions, which is equivalent of 1016 trees being planted. This goal alone was achieved by our strategic planning, budget management and understanding the future of the hospitality world.

We are innovative in finding gaps in wastage throughout our venues and utilising unique trading campaigns to ensure we are capturing untapped markets in our patrons. Not only do we look for opportunities within the sustainability sector we also endeavour to explore options to reduce waste in equipment, packing and shipping components. 

At DMTL Management we appreciate that our staff are the main piece to our puzzle.

Without our handpicked team, the whole business doesn’t run as effectively or efficiently. We offer extensive training for all, provide levels of opportunity for our team makers to grow, learn and establish extra areas of expertise.

Throughout the 80 years of trading for DMTL Management we have been privileged to see how the industry has grown and shaped our sector. Trading through numerous trends, the WWII in Darwin, down turns, natural disasters, a pandemic and multiple road blocks along the way, we know how to navigate through these hard times and rise out on top.

Meet the Directors

Matthew Dowling

Expertise: Legals, Finance, Leasing, Design, Project Management

Lucinda Dowling Black

Expertise: Marketing, Human Resources, Strategic planning, food service, events & operations.

Daniel Dowling

Expertise: Retail, Project Management, Budgets

Terry Dowling

Expertise: Leasing, Legals, Finance

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